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Be part of our elite club where you can get insider news, access to the forum, secrets and other exclusive content that other Aero G fans can't.  

Join up now, it is free!

As you all might know we are a small entertainment studio, this means the resources we have are pretty small. If we can't afford the equipment then our creations won't be at their full potential. That's where we need your help to support the future and help us acquire essential software and equipment for securing that in the future all of our content to come is of the highest calibre. Every little contribution is a big help to us so please donate to make the future Aero G a possibility.


Keep it G, Aero G everyone.


Aero G Team


New Year, More Aero G.

The Aero G team have a big year ahead, from the new animated series to another game in the works, there's a lot to be excited about.


Stay updated on our social media pages for the latest.

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